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How to Pay for Chiropractic School

Paying for college is no small task. After deciding on which chiropractic school to attend, aspiring Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) students should investigate the financial aid options available. To help prospective DC students navigate the payment process, Laurel Miller, Logan University’s associate director of financial aid, offers insight on how to pay, how to find scholarships and more.

Q: What are the available options for paying for chiropractic school?

Students have several different options when paying for chiropractic school. Students may utilize one or a combination of the following:

  1. Cash Pay: Student pays out of pocket or sets up a payment plan with Student Accounts or a similar department.
  2. Financial Aid: Eligible students can apply for financial aid, which comes in the form of federal loans at the chiropractic level.
  3. Alternative Loan: Students may apply for an alternative loan, which is a credit-based loan. At Logan, we recommend students compare the interest rates on alternative loans with federal loans. Sometimes, federal loans carry a lower interest rate, better repayment options, and more.
  4. Federal Work Study: Students who are eligible for work study, based on their FAFSA information, can work on campus as a student worker to decrease their tuition.
  5. Scholarships: All chiropractic universities offer internal and external scholarships. Utilize platforms like ScholarshipUniverse and Scholarship.com to find all scholarship options available to you.

Once you determine which university you’ll be attending, review the financial aid section of their website for more information on scholarship and payment options. You can also reach out to their financial aid office for more assistance.

At Logan, DC students who maintain a 4.0 GPA for the duration of their first three trimesters are invited to apply for the Founders Scholarship, which covers tuition cost for trimesters four through 10. Students must have taken a full course load in trimesters one through three and have no negative conduct findings. All scholarship opportunities at Logan University can be found here.

Q: When should someone apply for financial aid?

Students should apply for financial aid as soon as the FAFSA becomes available, which occurs every October 1st. It is important to review your FAFSA every year, as corrections may need to be made or there may be issues to resolve. Completing the FAFSA right away ensures there is time to correct these things.

Q: What scholarships are available?

There are a lot of internal and external scholarships available for DC students. Online platforms such as ScholarshipUniverse and Scholarship.com can help find all scholarship options available to you. These platforms often allow students to set up alerts to notify them when they are matched with a new scholarship.

DC students at Logan access to ScholarshipUniverse as soon as they receive their Logan email. There are also many internal scholarship opportunities offered at Logan. A complete list of scholarships can be found online.

Q: Who qualifies for financial aid?

All students are encouraged to visit studentaid.gov and complete the FAFSA to see their eligibility for financial aid. Students at Logan can also reach out to the Office of Financial Aid to help determine if they are eligible to apply for financial aid.

Q: Do I have to reapply for financial aid every year

Students are encouraged to complete the FAFSA every October 1st unless they do not plan to be enrolled during the award year. Graduate level students are packaged two trimesters at a time and undergraduate students are packaged for the award year (i.e. fall, spring, summer).

Q: Where can I find more information about financial aid?

Students are encouraged to visit studentaid.gov for more information about financial aid. They can also reach out to the Office of Financial Aid at their designated college or university.

Q: What happens if I take additional time to graduate?

If students utilize financial aid, taking additional time to graduate would potentially mean taking on more debt. It may also mean that a student could reach their aggregate (lifetime) loan limit, which restricts the types of financial aid a student is eligible to receive. If a student needs to split a trimester(s), it is best to speak to the Office of Financial Aid to determine the impact it may have on the student’s future financial aid offers.


Learn more about paying for Logan’s DC program and scholarship opportunities. For additional information, contact Logan’s financial aid team.