
Summer 2024 Commencement Saturday, August 24, 2024

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Celebrating Women in Health Care: Beatrice B. Hagen, DC

Logan University is embarking on a new Women in Health Care series where we will share stories of women who have or are shaping the future of health care. Join us as we highlight the achievements of extraordinary women, the challenges they have overcome, and how they have inspired others. The series begins with Beatrice B. Hagen, DC (’40), a pioneer in the field of chiropractic. An accomplished professional as well as an independent and successful woman, Dr. Hagen is known for breaking two major chiropractic gender barriers. She was the first female president of an accredited chiropractic college and …

Physical Therapist and Instructor Earning Logan’s Ed.D. To Increase Impact on Students

Samantha Marocco, PT, DPT, MS, GCS Emeritus came to Logan University for her Doctor of Education in Health Professions Education (Ed.D.) to make a bigger impact in student success at her teaching position at Utica University. “I looked into Logan’s Ed.D. curriculum, and I found it to be the perfect fit for my career goals and the audience I am trying to impact,” she said. Dr. Marocco earned her master’s degree in basic science/gerontology from Clarkson University and her bachelors and doctor of physical therapy degrees from Russell Sage College.  After working with older adults for several years, she also …

The Important Role Nutrition Plays in Chiropractic Care

A person’s diet can significantly impact the function of their musculoskeletal system. That is why many chiropractors treat their patients by not only providing adjustments, but also evaluating their nutritional health. “Nutrition and chiropractic care have always gone hand in hand,” said Weston Holzinger, DC (‘16), MS-NHP (‘16), DABCI, assistant professor at Logan University. “Many influential figures in chiropractic—including Drs. BJ Palmer and Clarence Gonstead—gave nutritional advice as part of their whole health approach to health care.” According to Dr. Holzinger, making smart food choices can help people maximize the benefits of their chiropractic care. For instance, a poor diet …

Stroke Survivor Overcomes Challenges with Help from Chiropractic Care

Thirteen years ago, 32-time marathoner Jim Indelicato was running errands when he suddenly felt ill. He called his daughter, a nurse, who met him on the side of the road along with an ambulance. After several tests at the hospital, Jim learned he had suffered a brain stem stroke. “I was retired less than a year from the Air National Guard after a 40-year military career, and I was in great shape,” said Jim. “It was a shock when this stroke happened, and I knew I was lucky to be alive.” After two months in the hospital, he was released …

Spine and Health Signs for Pediatric Chiropractic Care Needs

Parents and caregivers have an endless list of responsibilities, but keeping a baby safe and healthy is a top priority! Logan professor Mary Unger-Boyd, DC (’97), DICS, CACCP, has been a practicing chiropractor for more than 20 years and has extensive knowledge and first-hand experience working with children, especially babies. As we enter National Baby Safety Month, ensure you are creating a safe space for your baby to grow, learn and play. “Minor falls and injuries may affect the neuro-biomechanical balance of the spine,” explains Dr. Unger-Boyd. “Even though kids are extremely resilient, these minor incidents may affect the development …

Back to School Spine Health for Students

As children and young adults head back to school, backpack safety should be an important consideration. The wrong backpack can contribute to back pain and long-term joint problems. According to the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) young children are suffering from back pain much earlier than previous generations. Many children and young adults carry overweight backpacks, especially now with laptops included. Allison Harvey, Doctor of Chiropractic and Senior Clinician at Logan University works with young children and treats pediatric patients. “Children and parents should be mindful of the proper mechanics of carrying a backpack and what to look for when you’re …