
17th Annual Joseph W. Howe Oration in Diagnostic Imaging - Friday, September 27, 2024, at 11:30 AM

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Spine and Health Signs for Pediatric Chiropractic Care Needs

Parents and caregivers have an endless list of responsibilities, but keeping a baby safe and healthy is a top priority! Logan professor Mary Unger-Boyd, DC (’97), DICS, CACCP, has been a practicing chiropractor for more than 20 years and has extensive knowledge and first-hand experience working with children, especially babies.

As we enter National Baby Safety Month, ensure you are creating a safe space for your baby to grow, learn and play.

“Minor falls and injuries may affect the neuro-biomechanical balance of the spine,” explains Dr. Unger-Boyd. “Even though kids are extremely resilient, these minor incidents may affect the development of your child’s spine.”

Dr. Unger-Boyd explains there are a few things parents and caregivers can do to protect babies’ spines:

  • To pick an infant up from lying down, be sure to support under their bum and
  • When changing a diaper, support under the infants bum and avoid lifting their legs from their angles.
  • Be sure to always pick children up from under their arms, not pulling them up from their hands.

According to the International Scientific Society on Scoliosis Orthopedic and Rehabilitation Treatment, idiopathic scoliosis, a type of scoliosis, commonly appears during periods of growth spurts. In the first six to 24 months of life, your baby’s spine is rapidly developing. It is important to watch your child as they grow and consult with your doctor and chiropractor if you are noticing any imbalances.

In addition to spine safety, Dr. Unger-Boyd says there is another commonly overlooked safety concern: dehydration.

“All children can dehydrate easily, especially infants,” said Dr. Unger-Boyd. “If you are planning a trip or going out on a hot, humid day, be sure to pack enough fluids to ensure proper hydration and encourage the drinking of fluids throughout the day.”

Signs of dehydration include things like rapid breathing and increased heart rate, but Dr. Unger-Boyd explained that there are a few additional warning signs of dehydration in babies that parents should know.

Those signs include:

  • A dry or sticky mouth
  • Little to no tears when crying
  • Eyes that appear sunken
  • Fewer wet diapers and/or dark colored urine

Visit one of the Logan University Health Centers today if you are interested in having you or your children evaluated by one of our clinicians. For chiropractors interested in pursuing chiropractic pediatrics, check out the Master of Science in Chiropractic Pediatrics.