
Summer 2024 Commencement Saturday, August 24, 2024

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Dr. Jessica Randolph: Making a Case for Logan’s Master’s in Sports Science & Rehabilitation

Logan’s Master of Science in Sports Science & Rehabilitation degree program was barely off the ground when Jessica Randolph, EdD, MS decided to enroll.

Having just earned her undergraduate degree in biology from Carthage College in Kenosha, Wisconsin, and unsure of whether to pursue a master’s degree in nutrition or sports performance, Dr. Randolph came across the new degree offered at Logan.

“I was intrigued and willing to take a risk coming into a newly developed program,” she said. “The program seemed to fill the educational gaps that I needed and would offer me the most versatility in my career.”

Like many students, Dr. Randolph took the curriculum, the campus and tuition into account when searching for a quality master’s degree program. After arriving, however, she found that the specific aspects of the program made the most lasting impression.

“The hands-on experience in the gross anatomy lab was invaluable and the ratio of students per cadaver was very low. You’re not going to find that at any other school,” she said. “I also thought the staff was very knowledgeable. You could tell they weren’t just going through the motions of teaching, but instead were truly invested in what they were teaching. They not only expected the best from their students but the best out of themselves and it showed in the classroom.”

Dr. Randolph said she enjoyed learning through the DC lens and that it allowed her to view things from a different perspective. But perhaps the most life changing experience for Dr. Randolph was the internship she obtained through Logan that turned into her first job.

“I started working for the High Intensity Training (HIT) Center in St. Peters and was drawn to their focus on metabolic testing and science-based training,” she said. “Following the internship, I was offered a full time position.”

Just five months later, the HIT Center was purchased by Lindenwood University in St. Charles, Missouri, and Dr. Randolph was asked to instruct courses in the university’s exercise science program. From there, Dr. Randolph, along with Betsy Feutz, who served as director of the HIT Center, helped create the first strength and conditioning program.

“With Lindenwood becoming a NCAA Division II school, the strength and conditioning program really stepped up the game as far as what we did for athletes,” she said. “We developed the program to include more than 20 full, part-time and volunteer staff serving a total of 25 athletic teams. I can confidently say that I wouldn’t have found myself in that role without my internship and experience through Logan.”

Dr. Randolph went on to serve as director for both the exercise science undergraduate program and human performance graduate program at Lindenwood, and now serves as the manager of curriculum services in Washington University School of Medicine’s program in physical therapy.

In working with students, she often tells them about Logan’s master’s in sports science and rehabilitation program as well as opportunities to work in the field.

“Exercise science and sports and rehab haven’t been around that long, and there’s still much to be explored in this area,” she said. “There is a demand for people with this background, so I enjoy doing what I can on the educational level and getting students prepared for the real world. My experiences have given me the opportunity to have a voice in curriculum changes where I can hopefully make a difference for students based on what’s in demand by the job market.”