
17th Annual Joseph W. Howe Oration in Diagnostic Imaging - Friday, September 27, 2024, at 11:30 AM

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Michael Lynch, MS

Executive External Relations Officer

Greetings! My name is Michael Lynch, Executive External Relations Officer at Logan. My primary responsibility is traveling throughout the United States, Puerto Rico and Canada giving presentations to undergraduate students about the chiropractic profession and the various program offered at Logan. I also work with prospective students by providing transcript evaluations, arranging for shadowing opportunities with a Doctor of Chiropractic and helping them navigate the application process. I joined the Logan University admissions team in 2019 and have over 22 years of experience in chiropractic education, having served as Executive Director of Admissions for another chiropractic institution from 1998-2019. I take great pride in representing Logan because it has always had an outstanding academic reputation and produces excellent graduates. I live in Syracuse, New York, with my wife of 30 years, Lynn, and have two children, Peter who is 25 and lives in Boston, and Kyra who is 12 and entering 8th grade.

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