David Vincent, DC (‘91), CCSP, DiplAc
David Vincent, DC is a graduate of Logan University and is the Buoncore Family Endowed Director of Chiropractic Medicine and Director of Operations at University Hospitals Connor Whole Health in Cleveland, Ohio. He has a faculty appointment at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. Dr. Vincent was past Director of Chiropractic and Complimentary Medicine at Kaiser Permanente and past Director of Contracting for the Dartmouth Hitchcock Alliance Hospitals. He is the current chair of the Policy Committee for the Academic Consortium of Integrative Medicine and Health. Prior to his move to Cleveland, David spent 15 wonderful years in private practice in Bennington, Vermont where he cared for patients of all ages in an integrated setting with a focus on wellness, family, sports and lifestyle medicine. Dr. Vincent began his career as an EMT and operating room technician in the US Navy.

Sherry McAllister, DC, MS Ed, CCSP

Brandon Steele, DC (’09), FACO

Christine Foss, MD, DC, MS Ed, ATC, DACBSP, ICSC

Chris Perron, DC

Jay Greenstein, DC, CCSP, CGFI-L1, CKTP, RMS